Back in 2012 I bought myself a beautiful Brownie Bullet.
This was my very first camera, given to me by my aunt when I was just nine
years old. I have no idea what happened to the original but getting another one
made it very special.
I have since shot a few rolls of various kinds of 127 film
in it and I have been wanting to shoot it again since I discovered Rera Pan 100
black & white film a couple months ago. Rera Pan is a very nice film stock
that reminds me of Kodak T-max a bit.
So with all that in mind I decided to shoot the Rera Pan in
my Brownie Bullet for 127 Day (January 27th) this year.
The photo above testifies to the excellence of the design
and construction of this fifty-plus year old camera. It makes one wonder how
many of our 21st century digital marvels will still be working in
fifty years.