Wednesday, April 10, 2013


One of the really great things about the Nikon P-300 is its size. Not only is it small enough to fit in pocket or purse so it can be carried with you where ever you go, it’s also small and handy enough to be operated with one hand if necessary, like while you’re driving!

(Hey, these days I have an hour + commute so I have to find something to do to stay awake.)
This diminutive Nikon can also be shot in any number of modes including full manual, aperture priority and in this case shutter priority. I wanted to get the “blurred motion effect” as I was driving along so I set it for 1/15th of a second shutter speed and let the camera select the f3.5 aperture and the 160 ISO.

It was a pretty gloomy morning and I was hoping for some heavy rain to add a bit of drama to the photo but the rain on the windshield may have obscured the picture of everything else so it’s probably for the best there was only a light drizzle.

Now for the disclaimer – don’t try this yourself! It’s stupid and dangerous. You could end up with your vehicle wrapped around a tree or worse.

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