Monday, July 9, 2012

Capitalism Strikes Again!

Here’s a shot taken with my new Fujifilm Fine Pix 3D W3 on full auto mode at f3.7, 1/110 and ISO 200. One of the few complaints I have about this little specialty camera is the lens just isn’t fast enough or wide enough for my needs. It is great for 3-D of course (you should see this shot in “Real 3-D”) and decent for a compact 2-D shooter even, but for an all-around general purpose compact it just can’t compare to the Nikon P-300. 

Now some of you may have noticed the “clickable” display adds on the blog these days. This is an experiment I’ve wanted to try for a while. I’ve wondered if I am doing this blog thing correctly. By setting the blog up for adds I accomplished two things. First, the blog content was run through an apparently thorough analysis to see if there were any problems with regard to copyright infringement etc. Second, I get to find out if it is possible to make money this way.

The result of the first analysis is in of course and everything is fine. That’s why you’re seeing the adds now. The results for the second item won’t be known for a few more weeks. I figure it will take at least that long to see what happens. I am impressed so far with how well the algorithm seems to be matching the adds with the blog’s content. Presumably you’re reading the blog because you’re interested in photography so they should be advertising photography related products and not trying to sell you a bicycle!

So if you see anything you’re interested click on one or two of the links so I can see what happens. I had to agree not to click on them myself as part of the deal so unless you guys do it I may never find out or make any money.

Also, if you find the adds annoying or distracting let me know and I will “pull the plug on them,” unless of course you guys make me wealthy with your fervent clicking.

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